June 2nd 2018

Morning Activities


This morning at the pool, the boys continued to learn and practice different swim strokes.



Today, Basil Zafiris got up on skis for the first time at Upper Lake.

Fun & Games

At Fun & Games, the boys went to the Game Room. Jerry Green beat the high score on Pacman, and Worth Persons beat the high score on Snowbros.

During each period there was an air hockey competition. The winners were:
1st Period: Graham Ward
2nd Period: Brigham Sims
3rd Period: Buddy Fleming
4th Period: John McLoughlin

From the Dining Hall

This morning we woke up and had donuts, juice, milk, and assorted cereals. For lunch, we had Taco Salad, PB&J, a salad bar, and cookies for dessert. For supper, each cabin ate hotdogs, chips, and beans at their individual campsites during cook-outs. They had s'mores and jiffy pop for dessert around their campfires.

Afternoon Activities


For Electives, each Cabin went to a different activity.


B-0: Wet Willie
B-1: Tramps
B-2: Kayaking
B-3: Bucking Bull
B-4: Putt-Putt


G-1: Tramps
G-2: Kayaking
G-3: Bucking Bull
G-4: Putt-Putt

League Games

The boys played matches of Newcomb and Kickball

Cabin Time

While the boys were at League Games, the girls went to Cabin Time! On Lower Lake, G-1 went to the Obstacle Course; G-2 rode over to the barn, and swung on the Sky Coaster. On the other side of camp, G-3 and G-4 faced off at the Water Balloon Battlefield

Tonight For Night Rec, We Got...


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