June 13th 2023

Morning Activities

Fun and Games

Today the boys came to Fun and Games and played Beege-Ball. The MVP from the Hotshots was Ben Swartz. The MVP from Varsity was Mikey Brown. From the Rookies, Thomas Cox was the MVP. And from JV, Thomas Haygood was the MVP.

The winner of the “ratta-tatta-ratta-tatta win a big ole cowboy hatta” was Ben Swartz!

Team Sports

Today at Team Sports, the boys battled it out on the Camp Mac Courts in an intense series of Newcomb and Volleyball matches.

In 1st period, we played some Volleyball with JV. On Court 1, Bruce’s Gooses beat Charlie’s Awesome Volleyball Team. On Court 2, the Orange Team defeated the Chilly Koalas.

In 2nd period, the Hotshots played Newcomb. On Court 1, The Char Char Trains beat Basil’s Bologna. On Court 2, the Pizza Pounders pounded George’s Gs.

In 3rd period, Varsity showed off their athletic abilities playing some Volleyball. Beni’s Big Steppas defeated Charlie’s Conquistadors on Court 1. On Court 2, Julia’s Jumping Kangaroos jumped all over James’s Jazzers.

In 4th period, the Rookies played Newcomb and we all had a great time!

Today’s winner of the “winna winna chicken dinna” was Jake Cone!



Today at the Old Camp Mac Fishing Hole, the boys came over and caught some fish. Lassiter Silsbee caught 3 fish, Bennett Kirk caught 1, and Pierson Kirk also caught 1.


Today during Electives, the girls came on down to Lower Lake for Canoeing. We had a Canoe Race and the winner’s were Kathleen Wilkinson and Katherine Tuten.


Today at Tennis, the Girls played some Cricket in the Cage. The winners were Maddie Brooks and Cheney Humphreys!


Today at Tramps, the boys passed off some claseses. Robert Doss and Grey Keeling passed off 3rd Class. Jeb Braxton, John Clark Gentle, and Rex Gucker all passed off 3rd and 2nd Class. Callan Rainer passed off 2nd Class. Lastly, Levi McClendon passed off 1st Class Tramps!

The girls also came over to Tramps during their Electives and passed off some classes. Penelope Hudgins and Reese Wilson both passed off 3rd Class. Lila Mattei, Lily Logsdon, Rosie Gregory, Lizzie Gentle, and Abby Steele all passed off 3rd and 2nd Class.

League Games

Today on Court 1, Ian’s Iron Eagles destroyed Beni’s Big Steppas in an awesome game of Volleyball. On the Big Steppas, Bob Meador played great. On the Iron Eagles, Declan McTear played like a bald eagle.

On the lovely Court 2, George’s Curious Georges monkied on MacGregor’s Monkeys in a thrilling game of Volleyball. For the Curious Georges, Mack Delaney played like a young man with the yellow hat. From the Monkeys, Jack Bright played like Mr. Brightside himself.

On the gnarly Field 1, Mack’s Angry Tacos defeated Boon’s Boomers in a sweaty game of Kickball. On the Angry Tacos, John Pat Gunn played like a young Sig James. On the Boomers, Harris Naro played like a young Babe Ruth.

On the great, long grass blades of Field 2, the Killer Hornets battled long and hard against Spencer’s Snakes. The Killer Hornets ended up victorious. From the Hornets, Reeves Thagard played swell, and from the Snakes, Phillip Blakeney played amazing.

On the luscious Soccer Field, Gray’s Anatomy Season 2 made a gallant return against Basil’s Burritos. From the Anatomy, Walker Snyder played like a properly working circulatory system. From the Burritos, Thomas Haygood was the Lord of Chipotle.

In the Camp Mac Gym, Fiedler’s Trashfrogs took out Zach’s Zesty Zebras in an intense game of Bombardment. From the Frogs, Mac Schoenvogel played like Metro’s Superhero. From the Zebras, Mikey Brown played like an experienced Safari Zebra.

From the Dining Hall This morning, we had Pancakes with Sausage, Eggs, and Toast.  For lunch, we had BLT Sandwiches with Bologna, Potato Chips and an optional Salad Bar.  And to end the day, we had Pork Chops with Okra, Rice, Gravy, and Rolls. 


Elizabeth Kell gave our message last night.

Tonight for Night Rec...

Juniors had Tacky Night and Seniors had Cabin Competitions!