July 1st 2024

Morning Activities

Team Sports

Team Sports - Today at Team Sports, we played some Flag Football with the girls! In 1st period, Emily’s team won and the MVP was Catherine Honeycutt. In 2nd period, Sarah Kate’s team won and the MVP was Lucy Hubbard. And in 3rd period it was a tie with Caroline Wyatt as the MVP! In 4th period, Sarah Kate’s team won and the MVP was Rawlins Jordan.

The winner of the “winna winna chicken dinna” was June Lunsford!

Wilderness Skills

Today our Boys took their trip to Salt Creek Falls!

Fun & Games

Today at Fun and Games, the girls competed in the ultimate waterfront challenge! 3rd period won with a time of 25 minutes and 24 seconds!

The winner of the “ratta-tatta-ratta-tatta win a big ole cowboy hatta” was Kathleen Wilkinson!


Today our boy Rough Riders took their All Days trip!


Today at riflery, the boys came down and shot some high scores and passed off some classes! Rex Gucker passed off pro marksman, Garrett Davis shot a 34, Leo Skelton shot a 33, Reyn Sims passed off pro-marksman, Jett Gucker shot a 41, Jack Spencer shot a 24, Matthew Wills passed off pro marksman, Henry Vosburg shot a 35, and Levi McClendon shot a 35!



Today at Girls Putt-Putt, Julia Downey, Kate Beevers, Wiley Kinney, and Lizzie Gentle all made holes-in-one!


Today at Boy’s Tramps, the boys bounced on over and Murray Lorberbaum, Cole Davis, and Finn Westover all passed off 3rd and 2nd class. Ace Gucker, and Tucker Appleton also passed off 3rd class, and Callan Rainer passed off 1st class!


Today at Girl’s Adventure, the girl’s had a rock wall competition! Mary Ellen Badham won by making it to the top of 10 Panels!

League Games

Today on the hot and sweaty court 1, Gabby's Goofy Goobers took a huge win over Margret's Masterful Mice in a tight game of volleyball. From the mice, Ana Borodkina played like a power house mouse! From the Goobers, Katherine Tuten played like the biggest goober at Camp Mac!

Today on the shady court 2, Addie Bell's Bananas defied all odds and beat Eleanor's Elephants in an aggressive game of volleyball! From the Bananas Britt Harris, played like a banana straight from the tree. From the Elephants, Paige Newsome played like biggest and best elephant!

Today on the stunningly sunny field 1, Mary Brook's Mighty Martians dominated Hadley's Hungry Hippos in a wild game of softball. From the Martians, McCartney Foote played like she was on the moon! From the Hippos, Callie Davis played like the hungriest hippo!

Today on the very far away field 2, May's Mighty Manatee's secured their spot in the championship with a win over Milly Rock's Socks! From the Manatees, Kate Beevers played like she really wants to eat a steak, and from the socks Auden Rainer played like a really nice pair of dress socks.

From the Dining Hall For Breakfast we had Donuts, Sausage, Eggs, Toast, Grits, and Cereal! For lunch we had BBQ Haystacks. We also had a Salad Bar and PB&J Sandwiches. For dessert, we had Chocolate Chip Cookies. For Dinner we had Chicken Pot Pie with Rolls!  We also had a Salad Bar & PB&J sandwiches. For dessert we had banana pudding! 


Tonight our speakers were Callie Davis and Lena Daley!

Tonight for Night Rec...

We had Rec Hall!!